
As founder Sam Kitchell wisely noted throughout his life, Kitchell is only where it is today because of the quality of our people. We are fortunate to employ the best,…


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Terms of Service

Agreement between user and The website (the “Site”) is comprised of various web pages operated by Kitchell Corporation (“Kitchell”). is offered to you conditioned on your acceptance…

MGC Pure Chemicals Purification Plant & Expansions

…monitor­ing of all devices and systems operations, and UPS and emergency generator systems for controls. H2O2 EXPANSION Expansion of MGC’s production line in the construction of a laboratory building with…

Trade Partner Prequalification

…email address below, your company may receive an email invitation to create a new account with TradeTapp, guiding you to the online prequalification questionnaire. This invitation will come from “Kitchell…